Martin becomes a Regency dandy

After confirming that he needs to open the briefcase, Martin has to put his glasses on.
Having read the initial task brief (but not the back of it), he notes that he is not obliged to put all of the gloves on his hands, but decides to “do a few for safety” anyway.
After donning one pair of surgical gloves on his hands, Martin then starts stuffing gloves into his shoes. When Alex asks him what size feet he has, Martin responds “It’s not about the size of your feet, it’s how you wear the shoes”.
Martin subsequently stuffs more loose gloves into the neck and sleeves of his sweater, and the front of the waist of his trousers (which he describes as a “codpiece”). Finally, he dons the goalkeeper’s gloves on both hands.
After handing Martin the two cocktail glasses full of sand, Alex asks him whether he’d received any advice before doing the show. Martin responds that he’d been told to always read the top part of the task brief, and also to check the back of it, which he suddenly realises he’d forgotten to do. At this point, Alex picks up the initial task brief and shows the back of it to him, before informing him that the real task is behind the hand on the wall.
Martin is able to safely carry both glasses over to the edge of the room, and uses his leg to pivot the wood on which the printed hand is mounted, to reveal the actual task brief behind it.
He uses his mouth to pull the gloves out of his sleeves, then holds both glasses in his left hand while he uses his mouth to pull the glove off of his right hand. He is then able to use his free right hand to pull all of the gloves out of the neck of his sweater and the waistband of his trousers, before switching the glasses to that hand and pulling the glove off of his left hand with his mouth.
Martin is careful to bend down and pick up any dropped gloves, while holding both glasses in one hand, and make sure they are all returned to the briefcase.
In the studio, Greg admits that his initial instinct had been to penalise Martin for his creative definition of ‘donning’ the gloves, but then he’d changed his mind as Martin began to resemble “a Regency dandy” (referring to the fact that all of the glove fingers sticking out of the edges of his clothing resembled decorative frills).
Alex reveals that Martin had only spilled 61 grams of sand, but had taken 5 minutes and 5 seconds to get all of his gloves back into the briefcase, giving him a total time of 6 minutes and 6 seconds, and earning him 3 points.
(Written by Karl Craven and proofread by M3 / Andres Sanchez)
(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)