Put all the gloves back in the glove box

Task types:

Task briefs
The initial (fake) task brief is found inside an old-fashioned leather briefcase on the table in the lab. The follow-up (real) task brief is concealed behind a construction attached to the wall of the lab. The briefs for the task are as follows:
Don as many gloves as possible.
You have five minutes.
Your time starts now.
On the back of the first task brief:
This is not the task.
Remove all your gloves and put them back in the glove box.
You may not put the glasses down.
Fastest wins.
For every gram of sand spilled, a second will be added to your time.
Your time starts now.
Task notes
- Also inside the briefcase (which is referred to in the task brief as the ‘glove box’), there are dozens of surgical gloves and a pair of football goalkeeper’s gloves.
- Attached to the wall of the lab, there is a wooden post on a pivot, with a large piece of card and a cut-out image of someone’s hand attached to the top. This whole construction can be pivoted out of the way to reveal the second task brief.
- Once the second task brief has been read, Alex hands the contestants two cocktail classes which are full of and piled up with coloured sand.
- This task bears a structural similarity to the ‘Put a ball of string on the cushion‘ task, in that the contestants are not actually required to complete the first set of instructions, and can actually complete the task very quickly if they spot that they are allowed to ignore them.
Task stats


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