
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Series 10

Cover image for the tenth series of the UK show Taskmaster, picturing the cast of the series.
Air dates:
15/10/2020 - 17/12/2020

Season synopsis

The tenth series of Taskmaster was the first one commissioned by Channel 4, where it was initially broadcast between October and December 2020.

Consisting of ten episodes, the series was also the first to be affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, with strict social distancing rules being implemented partway through the filming of the pre-recorded tasks.

The studio recording sessions for this series, which took place at Pinewood Studios in Iver Heath, near London, were the first with no live audience and social distancing between the cast, giving the show a very different feel.

The recordings were later shown to socially-distanced audiences at The Curzon Cinema, Soho, in late August and early September, with the audience reactions being taped and added to the episodes before broadcast.

Contestant reveal video

Season trailer

Official episode playlist

This is a playlist of official episode videos from this season. Due to international streaming rights, it may be blocked in your region.

Outtakes compilation

This is an official Taskmaster YouTube channel outtakes compilation video.

Season stats

Episodes Aired
Points Awarded





Image of the feet of a giant teddy bear, poking out from behind the low hedge around the Taskmaster's caravan (a reference to the 'Fell the coconut, then move the drinks' task), with the episode title, 'God’s haemorrhoid', superimposed on it.

God’s haemorrhoid

Image of a bunch of uncooked spaghetti (a reference to the 'Put the most spaghetti in a grapefruit' task), with the episode title, 'Point of swivel', superimposed on it.

Point of swivel

Image of the shadow of a figurine against the surface of an inflated red balloon (a combined reference to the 'Drop a water balloon as far as possible without it bursting' task, and the 'Persuade the security guard to look in your bag' task), with the episode title, 'Toshwash', superimposed on it.


Image of a cocktail glass full of cherry tomatoes (presumably a reference to the 'Quietly make a cocktail' task), with the episode title, 'Hippopotamus', superimposed on it.


Image of the inverted view through a glass sphere (a reference to the 'Make the best and longest-lasting marble run' task), with the episode title, 'Legit glass', superimposed on it.

Legit glass

Image of the typebars of a typewriter (presumably a reference to the 'Learn your lines and perform a scene' task), with the episode title, 'Moments of silence', superimposed on it.

Moments of silence

Image of an unwrapped Chocolate Orange (a reference to the 'Complete the most tasks behind the five motorised doors' task), with the episode title, 'Air Horn Andy', superimposed on it.

Air Horn Andy

Image of two Polo mints arranged on a collection of eight short lengths of uncooked spaghetti (a reference to the 'Balance all the mints or biscuits on a spaghetti bridge' task), with the episode title, 'Dog meat trifle', superimposed on it.

Dog meat trifle

Primary Locations