Episode 5: I hate your trainers

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Episode synopsis
In this episode the contestants must bring in the best pointy thing, bag the heaviest thing from the greatest distance, paint a howling wolf on a rotating teapot while naming US states, do something out of character with £20, feed their team-mates the most watermelon, and list words of a certain length.
Title context
'I hate your trainers' was an aggressive piece of criticism hurled at Mawaan Riswan by Greg Davies, as Mawaan demonstrated his ability to deal with aggressive people, during the 'Do something out of character with £20' task.
Alternate Titles
- On Denmark's TV2 Play streaming platform, this episode is titled 'Jeg hader dine kondisko', which translates as 'I hate your sneakers'. Danish has two words for sports shoes, which correspond to the English words 'sneakers' and 'trainers'. 'Kondisko' translates to 'sneakers'.
- On Finland's MTV Katsomo streaming platform, this episode is titled 'Vihaan lenkkareitasi', which translates as 'I hate your trainers'. [Translator credit: zador]
- On Sweden's SVT Play streaming platform, this episode is titled 'Statiskt mobilt måleri', which translates as 'Static mobile painting'. This is a reference to the 'Paint a howling wolf on a rotating teapot' task. [Translator credit: DANI]
- On Norway's Discovery+ Norge streaming platform, this episode is titled 'Jeg hater joggeskoene dine', which translates as 'I hate your trainers'. Note: this Norwegian translation of the title only appears in the subtitles for the episode, whereas the episode title listed on the platform is the original English title. [Translator credit: Jan Harald]
Taskmaster Intro
Hello, I'm Greg Davies. Welcome to Taskmaster, a pantomime of the pointless, a circus of the ridiculous. A ridicu-circus. And in this arena of anarchy, this big top of terror, I am your clinically obese ringmaster. And these are your clowns.
Assistant Intro
And, to my left, a man who looks like a cylinder of meat that's been rolled across a hairdresser's floor. It's the human woolly kebab... little Alex Horne!
Taskmaster's Sign-off
So what have we learnt today? Fruit farmers - if you're struggling following Brexit to find staff to harvest your crops, get Daisy May Cooper a subscription to a toilet magazine and she'll clear a field of melons in ten minutes. See you next time for more fun times, but right now, here's tonight's winner again - Richard Herring!
Official episode video
This is a full episode video from an official YouTube channel source. Due to international streaming rights, it may be blocked in your region.
Episode stats

Points Awarded

Episode scores
The following episode subtitle files are available for download.
- English Credit: tribbletown
- Polish Credit: Taskmaster Worldwide Inc