Tom instantly offends a 58-year-old woman

Tom decides to start his text conversation with “Hi, sweetheart. Did you grow up with records, cassettes, CDs or Spotify?”. The recipient of this message is an older lady, who comments that “Hi, sweetheart” is “pretty presumptive”, before responding to him that she’d grown up with most of them.
Tom next asks the stranger if they know who Hilary Duff is. When the stranger replies with “Duh. Yes, I know who Hilary Duff is.”, he comments that have “A bit of attitude”, and then states that he thinks they’re in their 30s.
When Tom next asks the stranger who the Prime Minister was, when they were at high school, they respond that they have no idea, and that they were more interested in other stuff at the time.
After Paul lets Tom know he has just one minute remaining, Tom asks the stranger if they were born after Titanic was on at the cinema, they say they were not. Tom guesses that they are 34 years old.
In the studio, Jeremy notes that he felt Tom was at a disadvantage because the stranger seemed to really hate him from the start, and Tom says that the feeling was completely mutual. Paul notes that Tom was also slightly stitched up by having the only 58-year-old who would respond with “Duh!”
As Tom’s guess was 24 years away from the correct age, he earns just 1 point.
(Written by JoGo and proofread by Karl Craven)