
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Katherine invents 'potato string'

Katherine dives straight into the task, attempting to roll the potato into the golf hole before realising, as she misses, that the potato is no longer within her reach.

She attempts to knock the potato back off the red green by throwing one of her boots at it. While this does move the potato closer to the edge of the mat, where she can retrieve it with her other boot, it also means that her first boot is now stranded on the mat.

Without considering taking any precautions, she then immediately tries to throw the potato at the hole again, and misses once more.

She attempts to use a broom to retrieve the potato from the red green, but discovers that it is not long enough. She then realises that she can use the broom to move the edge of the mat itself, and rolls it up slightly, allowing her to get closer to, and retrieve, the potato.

However, rather than continuing with this method, to get her close enough to the hole to drop the potato in, she instead ties a length of string around the potato to make it easier to retrieve if she misses again. At least she has learned from her previous mistakes?

She then attempts to throw the potato out on its leash, eventually realising that she can move around the perimeter of the red green to drag the vegetable back towards the hole, if she overshoots. She is then able to complete the task using this technique.

Back in the studio, Greg is quick to point out that she had ignored a much quicker solution by not rolling the mat any further, but congratulates her on inventing the new game ‘potato string’.

Katherine then has a genuinely emotional moment as she shares just how little she understands or cares about sports (“I don’t care where the ball goes!”), and gets a reassuring hug from Greg, who also has a great disdain for sports of all forms.

Alex reveals that Katherine took 6 minutes and 28 seconds to get the potato into the hole. With Joe’s disqualification from the task, Katherine places third.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores