
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Dara, Fern and John lack a shared creative vision

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

After Greg points out that Fern was either really cold or needed a wee during the task (she was jigging around uncomfortably at the start of the footage), she admits that it was probably both, because of her costume. The team names the following species during the task: magpie, goldfish, seagull, carp, owl, turkey (accidentally), and penguin. Dara begins to get frustrated during the task, as he can clearly see a bird in the linework that the other two can't. The team tries to strategise together, out of Alex's earshot, to bank some bird and fish names they can use when needed. At this point, Fern asks whether an eel is a 'fish or a snake'. The team continues to be confused about what they have drawn, with Dara insisting it is clearly visible and the others just not seeing it, and heading inside while he continues to argue his vision. Ths continues in studio, with Dara describing exactly where the bird's head, body and wings are, and his teammates insisting that no bird is present. Alex displays an alternative rendering of the drawing: an animated chicken with a tiny head (on the opposite side to where Dara insisted it should be), which lays an egg. Greg refuses to accept Dara's description of where the bird in the drawing is, and awards the team two points out of pity.

(Written by Karl Craven)