
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kristoffer's erotic fiction

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

Kristoffer brings in a collection of his own erotic fiction, which he says he used to write to pay his bills, before he had any success as an actor. The 20 titles listed on the front page are: 'Stål' ['Steel'], 'Kvinnen i svart' ['The Woman In Black'], 'Bak fasaden' ['Behind the Facade'], 'Jungelen' ['The Jungle'], 'Dansekolen' ['The Dance School'], 'Husleie' ['Rent'], 'Blodsbrødre' ['Blood Brothers'], 'En himmel full av minne (nerdenes lørdagskveld)', ['A Sky Full of Memory (The Nerds' Saturday Night)'], 'Åpent tivoli' ['Open Fairground'], 'Båttur, en Oslofjordfantasi' ['Boat Trip, an Oslofjord Fantasy'], 'Pianotimen' ['The Piano Lesson'], 'Flink jente' ['Good Girl'], 'Flink gutt' ['Good Boy'], 'Vibratorlek' ['Vibrator Play'], 'Min grotte, din grotte' ['My Cave, Your Cave'], 'Bussholdenplassen' ['The Bus Stop'], 'Velkommen hjem' ['Welcome Home'], 'Den nye sjefen' ['The New Boss'], 'Takk for at du kom' ['Thanks for Coming'], and 'Horoskopet' ['The Horoscope']. He reads out a short excerpt from one of the stories, to everyone's delight. He earns second place for his effort.

(Written by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores