Something you would wish on your worst enemy

Task types:

Task brief
The brief for the task is as follows:
Bring in something you would wish on your worst enemy.
Official task video
Task stats


Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!
- Live opts to inflict psychological torture on her enemy by bringing in a semi-defective iPhone charger cable with a faulty connection, which means that it will work… intermittently. Atle awards her fourth place, which she protests against vehemently.
- Espen brings in a cooked frozen pizza, some ketchup, some moonshine, some Villa Farris soft drink, and a fork, to represent his first bad experience of drinking alcohol, and its aftermath (using the form to pick chunks of vomit out of the sink). The submission apparently appeals to Atle on a nostalgic level, and he awards it third place.
- Martha says she doesn't have any enemies, and then says she has brought in a cake for Olli. When she unveils the cake (apparently a swiss roll), it is revealed that there is a sharp knife sticking out of the top of it, blade upwards. She offers Olli the middle piece with the knife but, before cutting it for him, she asks him to read a card that goes with it. The note reads "No-one loves you". She acts surprised that that is what it says, calling it 'rude', and then returns to her seat and cuts herself a piece of cake. It's not really clear what she was trying to do here, and it's reflected in Atle's decision to put her in last place.
- Kristoffer brings in a collection of his own erotic fiction, which he says he used to write to pay his bills, before he had any success as an actor. The 20 titles listed on the front page are: 'Stål' ['Steel'], 'Kvinnen i svart' ['The Woman In Black'], 'Bak fasaden' ['Behind the Facade'], 'Jungelen' ['The Jungle'], 'Dansekolen' ['The Dance School'], 'Husleie' ['Rent'], 'Blodsbrødre' ['Blood Brothers'], 'En himmel full av minne (nerdenes lørdagskveld)', ['A Sky Full of Memory (The Nerds' Saturday Night)'], 'Åpent tivoli' ['Open Fairground'], 'Båttur, en Oslofjordfantasi' ['Boat Trip, an Oslofjord Fantasy'], 'Pianotimen' ['The Piano Lesson'], 'Flink jente' ['Good Girl'], 'Flink gutt' ['Good Boy'], 'Vibratorlek' ['Vibrator Play'], 'Min grotte, din grotte' ['My Cave, Your Cave'], 'Bussholdenplassen' ['The Bus Stop'], 'Velkommen hjem' ['Welcome Home'], 'Den nye sjefen' ['The New Boss'], 'Takk for at du kom' ['Thanks for Coming'], and 'Horoskopet' ['The Horoscope']. He reads out a short excerpt from one of the stories, to everyone's delight. He earns second place for his effort.
- Henriette brings in a ticket to Kristin Lavransdatter, a classic trilogy of plays being performed over 10 hours by Kristoffer, who admits that even his own mother couldn't be bothered to come and watch it. Atle judges that 10 hours of theatre is 'evil' and awards Henriette first place.
(Source credit: Karl Craven)