Episode 2: What kind of sick porn is this?
![Image of the title card at the start of this episode, showing a task brief with the show title, 'Kongen Befaler', and the episode title, 'Ka sjuk porno e detta?' ['What kind of sick porn is this?'], on a wooden desk. At the edges of the image, part of a typewriter keyboard and a stack of leather-bound books can be seen. Image of the title card at the start of this episode, showing a task brief with the show title, 'Kongen Befaler', and the episode title, 'Ka sjuk porno e detta?' ['What kind of sick porn is this?'], on a wooden desk. At the edges of the image, part of a typewriter keyboard and a stack of leather-bound books can be seen.](/images/episodes/kongen_befaler_06_02_framed.png)
Episode synopsis
In this episode the contestants must bring in a bouquet of something other than flowers, go on a kayak trip, put the correct fruit on top of a box, remove all the balls from a bin, and try to lose a game of three-in-a-row.
Title context
"What kind of sick porn is this?" was a question posed by Martha Leivestad, as she became frustrated during the 'Remove all the balls from the bin' task.
Taskmaster Intro
A warm welcome to a new episode of Kongen Befaler, the programme where I have wrapped the participants in the cloak of competition, and humiliation, and victory to entertain you, my dear TV viewer.
Assistant Intro
With me today, of course, I have my faithful apostle Olli Wermskog.
Episode stats

Points Awarded

Episode scores
The following episode subtitle files are available for download.
- English Credit: msbtvxq
- Norwegian Credit: Hanna Ness Huseklepp (Iyuno-SDI Group)