
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Go on a kayak trip

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The contestants receive the task brief in the garden of the Kongen Befaler house, where Olli awaits with an hourglass, standing next to a kayak and a starting line banner. The brief for the task is as follows:

Go on a kayak trip in this kayak.

The longest trip wins.

The trip starts when the hourglass runs out, and last for 45 seconds.

You cannot leave the kayak during the trip.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Espen creates a path of less friction for the kayak using a collection of wooden poles and planks, which he lays out from the top of the bank in the garden, giving himself a gravity assist from the start. He also ties a rope to a tree and lays that out along the path so that, when the kayak stops sliding under gravity, he can pull it still further, across the lawn. He manages to travel a total distance of 22m.
  • Henriette misunderstands the wording of the task and thinks she has to start her journey when Olli turns over the hourglass. She jumps in the kayak and tips it on its side, dragging it and herself along the lawn, inch by inch, for some distance, before realising that she'd got it wrong. Before she can properly formulate a better plan, the timer runs out, and she has to return to the kayak and repeat her slow and painful technique for the assigned 45 seconds, travelling just 93cm.
  • Kristoffer moves the kayak and start line up to the top of the bank in the garden, realising that he will get a gravity assist that way. He then shuffles the kayak onto the bank with his body weight, and uses the paddle to push himself halfway down before coming to a stop and capsizing after 4m.
  • Live realises that there is water close-by, so drags the kayak off to the shore of a lake, and paddles off across the surface, managing a trip of 82m.
  • Martha collects a variety of items from the garage which she believes she might be able to use to stab into the ground and drag herself forwards, while sitting in the kayak. She quickly discovers that this strategy is not going to work, due to friction and poor leverage. She then realises that she needs to create a slippier surface for the kayak using a tarpaulin and water, but does not have enough time left to realise her plans, travelling just 140cm.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)