
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Put the correct fruit on top of the box

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The contestants receive the task brief in the lab, where a wooden box with an open front sits on the table, among a variety of fruits. The brief for the task is as follows:

Put the same fruit that is inside the box, on top of the box.

You cannot look inside the box.

The first one with the same fruit on top of and inside the box wins.

For each wrong fruit you put on top of the box, you have to shout: 'I nectarine to give up'.

Task notes

  • Inside the box, there is a nectarine. There are two of every other fruit on the table, and just one nectarine.
  • Each time the contestants guess incorrectly, they have to shout "I 'nectarine' to give up" into a tin can, inside which is a small camera.
  • In Norwegian, the word for 'refuse' is 'nektar', so it is as if they are being asked to say "I refuse-ine to give up."

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Espen decides it is better to stay calm and think about the solution, rather than panic and repeatedly have to yell the given phrase into the can. He then reaches around to the open front of the box, removes the nectarine, and then places one lemon inside of the box, and one on top of the box, instead. Atle accepts his solution, and his time of 2 minutes and 40 seconds wins him the task.
  • Henriette immediately misunderstands the wording of the task brief, both opening and looking into the box, before taking the nectarine out and putting it on top of the box, along with the second nectarine from the table, in just 30 seconds. She is, unsurprisingly, disqualified.
  • Kristoffer just starts grabbing fruits, placing them on the box, and asking if he has chosen correctly. He appears to work his way through most of the fruits on the table before reaching the nectarine after 2 minutes and 55 seconds. He doesn't realise why it's the obvious solution until Olli asks him what fruit it is, at which point he yells 'bollocks' and starts throwing fruit across the room and at Olli, out of frustration.
  • Live just starts grabbing fruits, placing them on the box, and asking if she has chosen correctly. She works her way through all of the fruits on the table before arriving at the nectarine after 6 minutes and 34 seconds.
  • Martha just starts grabbing fruits, placing them on the box, and asking if she has chosen correctly. She eventually realises that she has been shouting the name of the fruit repeatedly, and finds the second nectarine on the table after 3 minutes and 30 seconds.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)