Episode 7: Little golden hands

Episode synopsis
In this episode the contestants must bring in the most satisfying item, catapult a shoe into a bathtub, travel as far as possible while making a constant noise, lift a bunch of items into the air with one hand, camouflage themselves, blow out a candle from a distance, create and eat an exotic sandwich, and stack plates and bowls on their heads. The guest contestant is Jorge Mourato.
Title context
'Little golden hands' was how Jessica Athayde described Nuno Markl and his massage skills, during the 'The most satisfying item' task ('Mãozinhas de ouro' is a phrase used to imply someone has a lot of skill).
Taskmaster Intro
Hello, good evening! I am Vasco Palmeirim, and this is Taskmaster, the show where five beloved personalities give it their all to get points and win tonight's competition, without forgetting the final goal: to be the Grand Taskmaster Champion who, at the end of the season, will take this magnificent and beautiful bust home. Beautiful thing, isn't it? SIC, you can keep your 'Golden Globes', because we have this! Now, how do you win points at tasks I myself came up with? Tasks that combine intelligence, creativity, and a generous dose of what is most important in Taskmaster: lunacy.
Contestant Intros
She's an actress who moved out of her parents' home in Porto when she started working on TV, at the age of 18. She says she didn't like it. Obviously she didn't like it - she wasn't on Taskmaster. It's Inês Aires Pereira!
A comedian who is married and has four children, who says he doesn't go a single day without kissing. Considering the time we spend here together on Taskmaster, I have to tell him: when the need is strong, Markl is always available. It's Gilmário Vemba!
An actress who's been on the cover of GQ Magazine, the cover of Vogue, and the cover of Cosmopolitan. That's nothing! I've been on the cover of VisãoJunior, of Saúda, by the Portuguese Pharmacies, and I'm on some highways with a plush horse on my back. It's Jessica Athayde!
Note: VisãoJunior appears to be the youth edition of the weekly Portuguese news magazine Visão. Saúda is the name of a loyalty programme run by the Portuguese Pharmacies brand. Presumably Vasco appeared in some marketing for this programme at some point? No idea what he's referencing with the bit about a plush horse on his back...
He's a singer who released his first single in 1985, and says he hasn't been robbing banks, nor the people, all these years. However, he is a thief, because for years, he's been stealing our hearts. It's Toy!
An actor who played an assassin on Pôr do Sol. He says his son Francisco cried when he saw him in that role. Francisco, don't worry. It's possible that your father will be the one crying tonight. It's Jorge Mourato!
Note: Jorge played the character Coronel [Colonel] Facínora on the Portuguese comedy-drama show Pôr do Sol ['Sunset'].
Assistant Intro
By my side, as always, a man who, in ancient times, got a 2 in Physical Education, a 5 in Portuguese, and who nowadays has a -8 myopia and -2 astigmatism. It's Nuno Markl!
Taskmaster's Sign-off
We learned that in life, not everything works out,
Not even 9 1/2 metres of tape to make a catapult.
To make a continuous sound, one runs and another walks,
But beware: it can turn out to be a Pavarotti from Luanda.
Never tell these people that you are starving,
You'll end up eating a sandwich with sand and cachaca.
And if by chance your mother's lingerie goes missing,
It was probably Toy, who wipes his mouth with a bra.
Note: This sign-off poem was translated more literally, so does not rhyme in English.
Episode stats

Episode scores
Winner notes
Inês wins this episode through a tie-breaker against Jorge, at the end of the final live task, which decided who the winner of that task was and who, therefore, earned the five points.