
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Catapult a shoe into a bathtub

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Catapult this shoe into the bathtub using a home-made catapult.

You may not move the bathtub or the red mat, and you must build the catapult on the red mat.

Only your feet may operate the catapult.

Fastest wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Jessica worries, because she does not know what a catapult is. She runs to the shed and emerges with buckets and a rope before going back for more supplies. She falls back on what she ‘usually does’, which involves a lot of tape. Jessica begins taping long items together from the shed in hopes that she can build something long enough to reach the bathtub so she can just drop the shoe in (Nuno later dubs this a “catapever” - a combination of catapult and lever). Jessica’s construction is a disaster, as it keeps falling apart. Finally, either Jessica figures out what a catapult is, or someone tells her what it is, because she finds some sort of plastic base piece that works well as a catapult, and after a few tries she manages to land the shoe into the tub. Jessica takes 25 minutes 51 seconds and comes fourth.
  • Jorge goes to the shed and brings out a wheelbarrow and a shovel. He places the shovel on the wheelbarrow and launches the shoe off of it, quickly realising that the wheelbarrow is not a good foundation because it moves when he launches the shoe. His next foundation attempts consist of a large, overturned chair, a small ladder, and some sort of plastic storage barrel (the launch from the barrel causes the shovel to fly off and nearly hit Nuno). Eventually he swaps out the shovel for an oar – which he successfully manages to launch into the tub. After a bit more trial and error, Jorge sets up a wooden plank on an overturned bucket and successfully launches the shoe into the tub. Jorge takes 18 minutes 30 seconds and comes second.
  • Gilmário uses a folding chair as a foundation, and places a wooden board on top of it. After testing how the board feels under his foot, Gilmário discards the board and uses a kayak paddle instead. Gilmário launches the shoe, which gets close to the tub. He then breaks the paddle in half, as it is slightly curved and therefore interfered with the shoe’s trajectory. Presumably the new paddle length did not work (we do not see the footage of it), as Gilmário goes back to the wooden board – with which he successfully launches the shoe into the tub. Gilmário takes an impressive 2 minutes 52 seconds and wins the task.
  • Inês uses a barrel and a kayak paddle as her catapult. She initially builds her catapult in the wrong direction – only figuring it out once she tries launching the shoe. After a few more attempts, Inês declares that the repetitive stomping motion is not good or comfortable for her (Inês is visibly pregnant). In fairness, she is shown rebuilding the catapult after a few failed attempts, so presumably she still did her future catapult constructions herself (she also affirms in the studio that although she may sometimes use her pregnancy to her advantage, she really was uncomfortable during this task). Inês utilises a member of the crew, Pipo, to launch her catapult. At some point, she swaps out the barrel for Nuno as a foundation for her catapult, probably as a joke. Inês next tries some sort of plastic container and a wide wooden board as a catapult. After a few tries, Pipo successfully launches the shoe into the tub, and the two hug in celebration – in the studio, Inês thanks Pipo again before admitting that she never saw him again for the rest of the shoot. Inês (and Pipo) takes 19 minutes 49 seconds and comes third.
  • Toy uses a short ladder and a tennis racket as his catapult. This results in him needing to lift his leg quite high every time he attempts a launch – which surprises Toy’s fellow competitors. He eventually tries using a large, overturned chair as a foundation instead, consistently launching the shoe near – but not into – the tub. Eventually, however, Toy prevails. Toy takes 26 minutes and comes last.

(Source credit: Jenny R)