Create an exotic sandwich / Eat your exotic sandwich
Task types:
Multiple brief
Task briefs
The briefs for the task are as follows:
Create the most exotic sandwich.
You have 10 minutes to plan your sandwich, and another 10 minutes to prepare it.
Your time starts now.
Eat your exotic sandwich.
Task notes
It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!
Task stats
Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!
- Jessica’s sandwich is island-inspired. She declares that the task did not declare that the sandwich needed to be edible, so she begins with putting a layer of actual sand on a plate, on which she builds her sandwich. She uses sliced pineapple as pieces of bread, between which she places mango, lettuce, and chili peppers, holding it together with a few flamingo sandwich toothpicks. She presents her mango sandwich inside half of a coconut which she has nestled into the sand (along with a cocktail umbrella and fake palm tree). To add to the presentation, Jessica surrounds her island sandwich with an ocean (made from tequila) covered in glitter. Jessica has a huge advantage for the eating part of the task, as her sandwich is fairly small – but it has quite a lot of chili peppers in it, which slows her down. Jessica apparently leaves part of her sandwich uneaten, based on the scoring at the end of the task. She gets a bonus point for really trying to make her sandwich exotic.
- Immediately after reading the task, Inês asks if she’s the one who is going to eat it (which is a fair question; she likely wanted to avoid ingredients which should be avoided during her pregnancy); the response given to her is not shown. Inês' sandwich has what appears to be salmon, shredded chicken, lettuce, two whole chili peppers and ginger. She tops off the sandwich with an unidentified sliced fruit, and the top of a pineapple. She names her sandwich “Tropicaliente” - a portmanteau of ‘tropical’ and ‘caliente’ (‘spicy’). As a side dish, Inês takes half a coconut and fills it with chips. For presentation, she dresses Nuno in a flamingo shirt (over his suit) and fruit hat, and has him hold her creations on a plank of wood. Inês avoids most of her sandwich due to the presence of raw fish which could affect her pregnancy, but she does cut off some pieces that have not been in contact with the salmon and eats those. She gets a bonus point for really trying to make her sandwich exotic.
- Gilmário, wearing a toque blanche, comments on his sandwich building in French. He places shrimp, lettuce, tomatoes, and mustard between two slices of bread. To present the sandwich, Gilmário places a few pieces of dry ice on the plate and activates it with cachaca (a Brazilian spirit, similar to rum, except distilled from fresh sugarcane juice instead of molasses). Gilmário thoroughly enjoys his sandwich, declaring that he just wanted to make a good sandwich. Midway through the sandwich, Gilmário realises that the bread has soaked up much of the cachaca, and he’s starting to “eat shots”, and feeling the effects. Gilmário leaves about a third of his sandwich on the plate. He is the only contestant not to receive a bonus point, as his sandwich was not particularly exotic.
- Toy constructs a sandwich filled with peanut butter, garlic sauce, kiwi, fried eel, crocodile meat, shrimp, lettuce, and hot sauce. To help with the presentation, Toy flanks the plate with black lingerie. He dubs his sandwich “Exoticosexy”. Toy eats his sandwich with gusto, at one point putting the thong part of the lingerie on his head. He also uses a bra to wipe his mouth, since he had no napkins available, and wiping his mouth with the task was not particularly helpful. Toy finishes his entire sandwich, then spanks himself with a high heeled shoe. As the only contestant to finish his entire sandwich, Toy wins by default, earning three points. He also gets a bonus point for really trying to make his sandwich exotic.
- Jorge builds a layered sandwich, with bread slices separating the layers. His layers consist of papaya and lobster, then sliced mango and eel, then coconut and shrimp. He finishes the sandwich off with the top of a pineapple. For presentation, Jorge fills a small tank with water and oysters, then places the sandwich on an island suspended on a plastic shelf in the tank (complete with fake palm trees). Jorge eats the top layers of his sandwich, and declares that they aren’t bad – he’s just worried about the bottom layer, as it’s now covered in sand. Jorge leaves the room with a bucket, and is immediately sick afterwards. He gets a bonus point for really trying to make his sandwich exotic.
(Source credit: Jenny R)