
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!


Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The actual text of the task brief is not known. The text below is paraphrased based on information disclosed in the episode:

Here are some different pieces.

Each of the pieces has a letter representing the first letter of one of your names.

You must take it in turns to put them down on the grid.

You may choose your own piece, or one of the others' pieces.

The game is over when the first person gets three in a row. That person gets zero points.

The rest of the contestants are scored according to how many of their pieces are on the grid.

Task notes

  • The contestants are stood on stage behind a large 5x5 grid marked out in tape, with columns and rows labelled with letters and numbers.
  • Olli stands to the side with piles of playing pieces on a couple of tables in front of him.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Espen puts an E in E1, then an E in B4, then an E in A2 (missing the chance to block the two-in-a-row of his pieces created by Live). After Kristoffer completes a row of three of Espen's pieces, he receives zero points in the task.
  • Henriette puts an H in E4, then an H in C3. This square turns out to be a wildcard, giving her the chance to place another piece. She chooses to place another H in D1. At the end of the game, she has three pieces on the grid, earning joint first place and 5 points.
  • Kristoffer puts a K in B5, then a K on C5. On his final turn, he decides to end the game and leave Espen with zero points by placing an E in E3, completing three-in-a-row. At the end of the game, he has two pieces on the grid, and receives only 2 points.
  • Live puts an L in E5, then an L in A5, then an E in E2 (creating two-in-a-row). At the end of the game, she has three pieces on the grid, earning joint first place and 5 points.
  • Martha puts an M in A1, then an L in D5, to create some drama by creating two-in-a-row. This square turns out to be a wildcard, giving her the chance to place another piece. The audience screams when she says she's going to place an M next, since she could end the game by instead placing another L in C5, leaving Live pointless. However, she realises that this would leave Espen as the winner of the task, so instead places an M in D4. Shen the places an M in B3. At the end of the game, she has three pieces on the grid, earning joint first place and 5 points.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)