
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Live sings, eats, and plays with helium

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

Live re-enters the lab wearing a Pakistan cricket helmet, and carrying a tank of helium and a variety of food items. Her highlight reel begins with an exploding balloon and a scream. She is then seen chanting the lyrics to Oops Up Side Your Head (by the Gap Band), having inhaled some of the helium. She's then seen letting go of an inflated balloon, which flies around wildly. She then challenges herself to each as many fruits and vegetables as possible, taking bites from a satsuma and an apple, chugging some yoghurt, and washing it all down with some RedBull, before peeling a banana. She's then seen singing under the influence of helium again: this time performing a version of 66 År ['66 years'] by the Norwegian singer Wenche Myhre. She's then finally seen letting go of another balloon, and laughing like a maniac, before ending her recording. Atle admits that it is not something he would watch, but Martha says that she would 100% subscribe to Live's livestream, despite the rendition of 66 År. Atle awards her fourth place, despite not being able to identify anything in particular that was wrong with it.

(Written by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores