
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Dara, Fern and John use a system of endless plates

Here's a brief description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working writing up more detail!

John initially took the feather on the cushion to the lab door, dropping it in the process, whilst Dara went to get paper plates, spatulas, and a dustpan. After attempting once to transition the feather between the different items, they dropped the feather again on the floor and lost it. Once they found it, the trio managed to use a large number of paper plates to get the feather outside, but realised that the bathtub's usual location was instead occupied by a pile of empty cardboard boxes covered in a sheets. They eventually managed to locate the bath in the living room, but dropped the feather again before they could get there. With the location of the bathtub identified, though, they finally got the feather into the bath in 7 minutes and 45 seconds, winning the task. In the studio, Fern referred to "the system of endless plates" they had developed, thus coining the title of the episode.

(Written by Taskmaster Wiki contributors)