
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Christine fails to cheat with editing magic

Christine first leaves the pea in its ring box, and appears to succesfully fling the box quite far along the red carpet.

She is then shown opening the box and shaking it to propel the pea further along the carpet, achieving a total distance of 19.17 metres.

It is then revealed, in a second video, that the first attempt shown was the result of clever editing, as requested by Christine.

In reality, her initial throw of the ring box had landed on the grass.

She'd then retrieved it and instructed the camerman to zoom in on the carpet so she could throw it on there, and they could use that as the footage of it landing from her initial throw.

She then instructs the camerman to film a close-up of her propelling the pea from its box.

She is then seen discussing with Antoine, as he winds up his tape measure, how the "magic of editing" will mean no-one will ever know she cheated.

Louis breaks the news to her, in the studio, that she actually did not cheat, since the task brief never stated that the contestants had to remain behind the velvet rope.

With her distance of 19.17 metres, she therefore earns second place.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores