
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Igor hides all the flamingos

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

Igor is tasked with hiding one flamingo, then hiding another flamingo, repeating the process until he runs out of flamingos. Additionally, he is not allowed to touch the flamingos with his hands. Igor hides one flamingo behind a shed, and decides to hide two more of the flamingos in the same place. He deflates the fourth one enough to 'hide' it underneath the seats of the dugout, and the fifth flamingo is hidden behind another shed, across the sports field. Luka finds all five flamingos in 2 minuges 38 seconds, and Igor earns five points.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores