
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Hide the flamingo(s)

Task types:
Single brief

Task briefs

The briefs for the task are as follows:

To Ana:

Hide one flamingo from Luka.

You may not damage the flamingo.

You have five minutes to hide the flamingo.

Once you've hidden the flamingo, make the other flamingos look sad because they lost a flamingo.

Your time starts now.

To Igor:

Hide one flamingo from Luka.

You may not damage the flamingo.

Once you've hidden the flamingo, hide another flamingo.

Repeat this process until you run out of flamingos.

You have seven minutes.

Your time starts now.

To Enio:

Hide one flamingo from Luka.

You may not damage the flamingo.

You may not touch the flamingo with your hands.

You have five minutes to hide the flamingo.

Your time starts now.

To Ante:

Hide one flamingo from Luka.

You may not damage the flamingo.

While you are hiding the flamingo, you must walk backwards.

You have five minutes to hide the flamingo.

Your time starts now.

To Lidija:

Hide one flamingo from Luka.

You may not damage the flamingo.

While you are hiding the flamingo, you must make the sound of a flamingo.

You have five minutes to hide the flamingo.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Ana is tasked with hiding one flamingo, while making the other flamingos look sad that their friend is missing. Ana hides the flamingo behind a shed, places three of the other flamingos face-down in a dugout area, and puts the fourth flamingo on top of the dugout. She claims that the three flamingos are sad and crying while the fourth is actively searching for the missing flamingo. Luka finds the flamingo in 1 minute 5 seconds, and Ana earns three points.
  • Igor is tasked with hiding one flamingo, then hiding another flamingo, repeating the process until he runs out of flamingos. Additionally, he is not allowed to touch the flamingos with his hands. Igor hides one flamingo behind a shed, and decides to hide two more of the flamingos in the same place. He deflates the fourth one enough to 'hide' it underneath the seats of the dugout, and the fifth flamingo is hidden behind another shed, across the sports field. Luka finds all five flamingos in 2 minuges 38 seconds, and Igor earns five points.
  • Enio is tasked with hiding one flamingo, but he is not allowed to touch the flamingo with his hands. Enio kicks the flamingo across the sports field and towards a nearby cemetery. It's not overtly stated or shown, but the implication is that Enio hid the flamingo somewhere in the cemetery. Unfortunately, Enio popped his flamingo, which deflated. Luka finds the flamingo in 6 minutes 10 seconds. Due to breaking the rules (damaging the flamingo), he is disqualified, and earns zero points.
  • Ante is tasked with hiding one flamingo, but he must walk backwards while doing it. He takes the flamingo out of the sports field and places it into a nearby creek. Unfortunately, he walks forward a few steps while placing the flamingo into the creek. Luka finds the flamingo in 1 minute 45 seconds. Due to breaking the rules (walking forward), Ante is disqualified, and earns zero points.
  • Lidija is tasked with hiding one flamingo, but she must make the sound of a flamingo while she is hiding it. Lidija doesn't know what sound a flamingo makes, so she settles for making the sound of ocean waves. Lidija takes the flamingo behind a shed, then throws it over the fence behind the shed and down a small hill. Luka finds the flamingo in 1 minute 43 seconds, and Lidija offers him 100 kuna (about £11) to say he didn't find it. He agrees, and the two walk away to get coffee. When Ivan berates Luka in the studio, Luka presents the 100 kuna, signed by Lidija, as proof that he cannot truly be bribed. Lidija earns four points.

(Source credit: Jenny R)