
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Henrik looks for a snake

Henrik begins by searching the piggy bank, and immediately pockets all of the money.

While looking for the key for the refrigerator, he finds the missing 1-krona coin that he'll later need to buy the key, but for some reason does not retrieve it.

Presumably searching for more money, or the key to the refrigerator, he pours the hot water out of the Thermos flask, before immediately realising that it probably wasn't a good idea to do so.

When David hints that the needed for the combination lock is right in front of Henrik's nose (“snook”), Henrik interprets the word with a different definition, and starts looking around the caravan for a snake.

He eventually sees the code, but reads and enters it into the lock backwards. He then moves quickly to retrieving the phone from the box.

Discovering that he is one krona short to buy the key, enough time has passed at this point that although he remembers having seen the coin, he has forgotten where it was.

He successfully escapes, and finds and eats the almond after nearly a half an hour, earning last place, and two points.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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