
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Rebecca takes to the floor

Rebecca carries the fish bowl around with her, instead of returning the pellets to its starting location.

She sets off the booby-trap in the caravan, losing the contents of that can to the floor, before moving on to the plastic dome, where she places the fish bowl over the can, and inverts everything in order to collect all of its contents.

Heading into the garden , she spots and retrieves the dustpan and brush held by Greg's statue, and then uses them to collect many of the spilled pellets from the caravan.

She next heads into the lab, setting off the booby-trap there, but being very fortunate in that the large can of pellets somehow lands upright, spilling only a small proportion of its contents. Supporting herself on a doorframe, she is able to lower herself, stiff-legged, to the ground, and pour the remaining contents of the can into her bowl.

It looks like she has somewhat handicapped herself for the rest of the task, at that point, since she is unable to get back up off the floor without bending. However, her prone position proves fortunate, as she crawls into the living room, as she is able to completely bypass the tripwire by passing beneath it.

She then very smoothly places the fish bowl below the plinth in that room, and pulls on the tripwire with her hand, to tip the entire can directly into it, with very little spillage.

She spends her final seconds lying on the floor of the living room, collecting the few spilled pellets with her hands.

In total, Rebecca retrieves approximately the same number of pellets as there are people in Falmouth, Cornwall: 24,038. She therefore earns second place in the task.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)