
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Al fills the eggcup with piss

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

Al begins by asking whether he is right in saying that sweat and urine are made of the same stuff. He appears convinced that, medically-speaking, they are the same. He is then heard urinating into a large bowl, off-camera. Returning to the lab with a bowl full of urine, he uses it to fill the eggcup. In the studio, Alex confirms that he had consulted two doctors, the van Tulleken twins (who can regularly been seen on British TV shows), who confirmed that sweat and urine were similar in that they both mostly consist of water. However, Dr Xand van Tulleken had also pointed out that the two fluids are made in different ways, in different parts of the body, and are easy to tell apart without scientific tests. He also pointed out that most people just know that they are different. His brother, Dr Chris van Tulleken, had been slightly more blunt with his response, stating that Al was just talking gibberish. Greg agrees with the doctors, and Al is disqualified from the task.

(Written by JoGo and edited by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores