
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Fill an eggcup with sweat

Task types:
Single brief

Task briefs

The briefs for the task are as follows:

Fill this eggcup with your own sweat.

Most sweat wins.

You have 20 minutes.

Your time starts now.

To Rob:

Fill this eggcup with your own sweat.

Most sweat wins.

You have 20 minutes.

Your time starts now.

You must complete the whole tasking speaking in an accent different from your own.

Task notes

  • In episode 35 of the Taskmaster Podcast, Dave Gorman admitted that he had cheated by spitting into his eggcup, but had gotten away with it.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Rob put on a load of layers of clothing and ate some chili peppers. He collected 0 drops of sweat.Rob put on several extra layers of clothes, holds his face very close to a heater, and eats some chilli peppers. However, despite all of this, and even after trying to squeeze his own head, he fails to collect any sweat at all. Despite having been set the extra task of having to speak in accents other than his own, he does manage to keep up a running commentary, incorporating 12 different accents, including 3 completely new ones. Despite not producing any sweat, Rob still earns fourth place, because Al is disqualified. He also earns a single clap from the audience, on Greg’s instruction.
  • Initially, Dave puts on a coat and exercises by running on the spot and performing star jumps. He then creates a make-shift sauna under the table using a portable heater and some polythene sheeting. In the studio, Greg asks if he Dave was sweating in his “little polythene grief cave”, thus coining the episode title. Dave says he’d found it hard to sweat at all, that day, and had spent most of his time making the sauna only to discover that it didn’t work. Alex confirms that just five drops of sweat were collected in the eggcup, via a “gutter system” through Dave’s buttocks, and Dave earns third place.
  • Paul does some exercises, including push-ups, punching, and running on the spot. He then tries to use a measuring spoon to collect some sweat from his body, but finds nothing. After exclaiming, “Al Murray’s going to win this, that fat bastard.”, he does some more exercise, including running around outside, and eventually manages to collect 12 drops of grey-coloured sweat. In the studio, it is reveals that the colour of the sweat was due to his moisturiser and the die from his T-shirt. Paul earns first place.
  • Al begins by asking whether he is right in saying that sweat and urine are made of the same stuff. He appears convinced that, medically-speaking, they are the same. He is then heard urinating into a large bowl, off-camera. Returning to the lab with a bowl full of urine, he uses it to fill the eggcup. In the studio, Alex confirms that he had consulted two doctors, the van Tulleken twins (who can regularly been seen on British TV shows), who confirmed that sweat and urine were similar in that they both mostly consist of water. However, Dr Xand van Tulleken had also pointed out that the two fluids are made in different ways, in different parts of the body, and are easy to tell apart without scientific tests. He also pointed out that most people just know that they are different. His brother, Dr Chris van Tulleken, had been slightly more blunt with his response, stating that Al was just talking gibberish. Greg agrees with the doctors, and Al is disqualified from the task.
  • Sara lays down on the floor with her face close to a heater but complains that she’s not sweating - just getting a warm face. She then puts on a hat and some extra clothes, and does some exercise, running on spot and shadow boxing. However, she still doesn’t produce any sweat. She then wonders whether she could instead collect sweat from other people. To get around the “own sweat” clause in the task brief, she buys sweat from members of the production crew, thus becoming its rightful owner. She is seen scooping drops of sweat from the head of one of the crew members, for which she pays him £2, and then claims she has “milked” his head. She collected 8 drops of other people’s sweat altogether, and earns second place.

(Source credit: JoGo)