
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Make the best domino rally

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is revealed in the living room via a complex Rube Goldberg-type contraption. The brief for the task is as follows:

Make the best domino rally.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • The contestants initiate the sequence of events which lead to the unveiling of the task brief by pushing a tennis ball with the words ‘Push Me’ written on it. The ball rolls down two parallel sticks and hits a book which, in turn, hits another tennis ball. The second ball rolls down two more parallel sticks and off the table, falling into a gutter. It then knocks a toilet roll off of a lower table, which bumps a football off of a cushion, which knocks over a spiral of books stood up on end like dominos. This releases two helium-filled balloons, and knocks over some actual dominos arranged in the shape of the letters ‘TM’, and pulling off a cloth to reveal the task brief beneath.
  • While most of the contestants react with joy and enthusiasm, Paul seems unimpressed, and just asks “What was all that about?”.

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Dave creates a classic domino rally in the living room by using just the dominos provided. His rally starts on a high shelf and then drops down to the floor, before continuing out through the external door and down the steps into the garden. He uses 434 dominos in total, and earns second place.
  • Sara stands some dominos on the table in the living room, but not in any way that would act as an effective domino rally. Instead, she adds faces to the dominos. Crouches down behind the table, and performs a play with them. “We’re Take That, and welcome to the concert!”, she begins, voicing some of the dominos which are standing in for members of the popular 90s boy band. “Meanwhile, at the back of the concert…”, she continues, “I’m Sara Pascoe!”. She has stuck a picture of her own face to her finger, and is operating it like a puppet. “I’m really dancing! What’s that I can hear in the distance? I can hear a volcano. What’s that smell? It smells like that gas that makes everyone go still and fall over!”. Having set up her scenario, she then she knocks down one of the loosely grouped dominos, apparently assuming that the whole lot will fall. Unfortunately, just over half of the dominos are felled. Finishing up what turns out to be a morality play, Sara then returns to voicing the boy band, stating “Falling over made Take That feel mortal inside, and we’re going to pay all of our taxes in future.” In the studio, Greg admits that he likes Sara’s play but, because not all of her dominos had fallen, she earns joint last place.
  • Rob sets up a jumbo-sized domino rally outside the house, which is initiated when Alex drives a van with a long broom attached to the front into a mattress which has been stood up on end. The mattress topples forwards, hitting the first of four production crew members, who each collide with the one in front of them until they hit Rob, who falls forwards into a paddling pool full of balls, which fly everywhere. In the studio, Greg comments that no-one would have predicted that a domino rally could become a useful health and safety video. He awards Rob third place, which draws a disappointed reaction from the audience. Although Greg admits that he does want to be liked, he decides to stand firm by his judgment, and dismisses the audience’s opinion.
  • Al spells out the word ‘BEST’ using dominos on the living room table. Unfortunately, after he topples the first domino, the chain reaction only goes as far as the end of the ‘B’, and then stops. After he topples the next domino in line, the rest of his rally falls perfectly. He is clearly cross with himself, and kicks the table. He earns joint last place because his rally did not work the first time.
  • Paul sets up an elaborate domino rally using a variety of objects, including himself, outside the house. The chain reaction begins with Paul, holding an axe in both of his hands, falling forwards into an up-ended sofa. The sofa topples and hits a stone ornament, which hits a ladder, which hits a tennis racquet, which hits a wheelbarrow. A seesaw then pivots, knocking a football on a skateboard, which hits two buckets, on top of which there is a watering can. As the watering can is knocked, an egg balanced in its spout falls to the ground, and some of it lands in a frying pan. In the studio, Greg points out that at no point had Paul been told to make an egg fall into a pan. He agrees that Paul’s domino rally was wonderful, though, and awards him first place.

(Source credit: JoGo)