
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Create the best domino effect

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Create the most impressive domino effect.

When you're ready, say 'This is the most impressive domino effect'.

Most impressive domino effect wins.

You have 30 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • After brainstorming a few things that could be considered domino effects, Jakob settles on a smile. He then realises that his domino effect needs to impress Lasse, so he places an order for flowers, under Lasse’s name, and has them delivered to Lasse’s wife, with the message “Hi, honeymouse”. Jakob’s reasoning is that the act of receiving flowers will enhance an atmosphere of romance and good feelings at Lasse’s home. Mark reveals in the studio that Lasse’s wife texted him thinking Mark was playing a prank on her. Lasse acknowledges that ultimately Jakob did set something in motion – namely, Lasse’s wife spending time trying to figure out where the flowers came from. Jakob wins the task.
  • Anders decides to build a domino course in the yard out of large objects. The course consists of Mark dropping an oil drum, which rolls down a slide and hits a wheeled toboggan, which pushes a bowling ball past a goal line. Somehow, the bowling ball passing the goal line is supposed to release some balloons. Instead, the bowling ball just rolls over the balloons. However, Anders realises that the only reason the balloons didn’t launch is that he was inadvertently stepping on the string. Anders earns third place.
  • Neel decides to build a domino course in the house. The course consists of Mark dropping a tennis ball from his mouth, which rolls down a slide and knocks over a path of large dominos, which push a ball off of the table to land on a jack in the box with Lasse’s face taped over the clown. Neel earns second place.
  • Annika spends the entirety of her attempt getting drunk and failing to set up a domino course with small dominos. Annika does manage to build several decent length domino chains, but always accidentally knocks them down. Lasse points out that Annika could have just set up two dominos, said the required sentence “this is the most impressive domino effect” and at least earned a point. Annika is disqualified.
  • Mahamad decides to start a viral trend as his domino effect. He films a clip of himself squirting hand sanitiser onto his head, and challenging others to do the same, before posting it on his Instagram. In the studio, Mahamad reveals that no one particularly cared. He realised that children are less jaded than his (adult) Instagram followers, so he filmed the clip again and posted it on TikTok – only this time, he made it seem like it was a covid-related charity challenge (in the same vein as the ice bucket challenge). Mark reveals that the TikTok was viewed 165,000 times, and liked 5,569 times, and recreated by 81 other TikTok users. Mahamad earns fourth place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)