
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Create an impressive fountain

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Create the most impressive fountain.

You have 20 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • António pokes around the shed, searching for inspiration for his fountain. He eventually stumbles upon an idea. He places a large, clear tube (meant for storing tennis balls) into a wheelbarrow, fills the tube halfway with tennis balls, and adds a large pinwheel. He sticks the hose into the tube, and surrounds the tube with traffic cones to keep the hose at his desired angle. Throughout the building process, Nuno seems doubtful that António’s idea will work. While adding aesthetic touches to his fountain (such as a TM spot), António decides that symmetry is fundamental, and sources a second hose. This creates two arcs of water in opposite directions; however, the angles do not quite allow the water to spin the pinwheel, so António tells Nuno to stand behind the fountain and turn the pinwheel with his finger. If António named his fountain, it is not shown, but it can be reasonably assumed that it was dubbed ‘Symmetry’. António earns joint third place.
  • Jessica seems to immediately come up with an idea, though she struggles to explain it to Nuno. She eventually settles on explaining that she’s creating a fountain that is ‘alive’. Jessica, wearing a life jacket, diving goggles, flippers, and colourful hat, and holding a large pinwheel, stands on a barrel that is concealed by a wall of fake ivy. She holds a hose and sprays water into the pinwheel so it falls into the tub on the other side of the fake ivy wall. In the studio, she christens her fountain ‘Jessica’. Jessica earns joint third place.
  • Inês decides to make an interpretation of the Manneken Pis (a famous statue in Belgium depicting a small boy urinating into a fountain basin). She puts Nuno on a stepladder, and has him hold a traffic cone against his crotch. She runs a hose between Nuno’s legs and into the traffic cone. Inês then sets up a large pinwheel, intending for it to be spun by the water. When Inês laments that there is only one hose, Nuno (unwisely) informs her that there is a second hose. Inês quickly grabs the second hose and recruits one of the men from the crew (Rafa). She has Rafa kneel on the ground, and sets him up as she did Nuno. Initially, the resulting fountain looks like Nuno is urinating on Rafa; after Inês adjusts some angles and the water pressure from both hoses, both men’s hoses cause the pinwheel to spin. Inês dubs her fountain ‘The Urinal’, and wins the task.
  • Toy decides to build his fountain in the Taskmaster PT pool. He drags a hose to the pool, then grabs a small boat and hops in (nearly capsizing), holding up the hose. He improvises a poem to Triton (son of Poseidon), and his poem he names his fountain ‘Toy and the Hose’. Unfortunately, all Toy really manages to accomplish is spraying himself with the hose, as he does not consistently keep the hose at a sufficient angle to keep the water out of the boat. Toy earns fourth place.
  • Gilmário grabs a large plastic tube meant for holding tennis balls, and places it in the wheelbarrow. He duct-tapes a traffic cone to the top of the tube, and runs the hose up the side of the tube so the water will shoot out of the top of the traffic cone. At some point, Gilmário abandons the wheelbarrow and adds a bathtub, presumably to catch the water. This does not happen, as when Gilmário turns the hose on, the water sprays in several directions, thanks to a ball wedged in the top of the traffic cone that was meant to be shot into the tub by the hose. When the ball finally shifts (or is removed), the water ends up arcing in the complete opposite direction of the bathtub. He christens his fountain ‘Fountain of the Flaw’. Gilmário earns second place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)