
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Dave and Paul play football with Als head

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

Al starts off by informing everyone that the model plane is a P51 Mustang. He then puts the plane on his head and suggests that they could fly it past a spectacular background. As the group starts brainstorming ideas, Al says they could do literally anything, like make themselves disappear, or tell a story. Meanwhile, Paul starts randomly naming special effect-heavy films such as Independence Day and Big Momma’s House. In the studio, Greg praises Al and Dave for coming up with sensible ideas, and questions what Paul was going on about. After Paul repeats the title of Big Momma’s House, Sara and Rob explain to Greg that Martin Lawrence had played multiple characters in that film, using special effects. After Alex and Greg act surprised, Paul informs them that they should “watch more foreign films”. The team’s begins with Alex sat on a park bench, reading a newspaper, which is hiding his own head, while Al’s head is stuck up from behind the paper. Dave is then seen kicking a football, which flies and hits Al’s head, apparently knocking it off his body. Dave and Paul are then seen playing keepy-uppies with Al’s head for a while, before it is knocked up into the air, passing the model aeroplane, before plummeting back down onto its own body, while the football is caught by Dave. In the studio, Paul suggests that the resulting film was “a bit different” to Big Momma’s House. Greg notes that Paul’s character had apparently been sacked by the end of the film, since he is not seen in the final scenes. Paul suggests that his character would be appearing in a planned sequel. The team earns 3 points.

(Written by JoGo and edited by Karl Craven)