
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Danielle's one minute life story

Danielle's montage features scenes of: her birth (in which she is represented by a large pink candle); her favourite childhood movie, Andre the Seal (represented by a seal figurine and a toy boat held up in front of a painting of a ship at sea); her grandfather (played by Tom Cashman) teaching her how to drive at the age of 8; and she and her grandfather checking the feral pig traps every day.

She makes a point of putting out the message that feral pigs are a 'scourge' on Australia, destroying both fauna and flora, and need to be eradicated.

The montage then continues with scenes of: her and her grandad drinking together; the pair feeding rainbow popcorn to rainbow fish, to give them their colours; and of her receiving her VP Scout Medallion from Quentin Bryce, the ex-Governor General of Australia (also played by Tom).

Her montage ends with her describing how she woke up on her 410th birthday and 'walked into the light', and is now in heaven.

Although Tom Gleeson originally characterises her message about the pigs as her "woke anti-feral-pig agenda", he ultimately agrees that it is an important issue, and awards her second place.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by David Fuller and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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