
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Danielle breaks all of the rules

Danielle immediately moves the bucket of popcorn, as she initially plans to dump it into the toilet to make it inedible.

She realises her mistake, but then fetches a cricket bat and helmet, some kind of body armour, and a fishing net, and just sits and waits for Tom Cashman to arrive.

When he opens the door, she is stood right behind it, ready to snare him in her net. She uses the net to manoeuvre him into a chair, where she holds him captive for 2 minutes and 38 seconds, before he stands up and tries to get to the popcorn. She is able to hold him away from his goal for a while, but he then gets within reach of the bucket and eats a piece.

In the studio, Danielle attempts that she didn't 'attack' Tom, since catching an animal in a net wouldn't be considered 'attacking' it. She goes on to suggest that she would have used a tranquiliser dart, if she'd had one.

She also tries to justify having moved the popcorn at the start because she was 'flustered', but Tom Cashman is able to quickly confirm that this was not an allowable exception in the rules of the task.

Danielle is ultimately disqualified for breaking both of the rules stated in the task brief.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

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