
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Julia makes the popcorn unappealing in every way

Julia immediately fetches a jug of orange juice and some eggs from the kitchen. She pours the orange juice all over the popcorn, and then starts cracking the raw eggs into the bucket.

She then calls out to Tom Cashman to come and get his "morning tea" before also spitting into the bucket.

Before he comes in, she also briefly considers scratching her backside and then sticking her fingers into the bucket, before coming to the conclusion that this would probably be going too far. However, as Tom enters the room, she does poke her finger into the bucket and proclaim that there is now a "faecal count" in it. At this point, she also appears to have added some vegetable oil to the vile mixture in the bucket.

She warns Tom that she did touch her bum and then stir the popcorn with the same finger, and also notes that she probably has a legal responsibility to disclose that she'd spat into it.

Unsurprisingly, Tom decides not to try to eat any of the popcorn. Julia therefore ties for first place in the task with Luke.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

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