
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Nina very much moves the popcorn

Nina decides to move the popcorn into other containers.

She empties out two jars (one containing marshmallows, and the other perhaps nuts?), and refills them with popcorn.

She then tapes them shut and hides them out of sight around the room.

She then puts the bucket (unclear if it's empty or just half empty at this point) inside a large suitcase on top of the desk, and piles two other suitcases on top of that.

When Tom Cashman arrives, she tries to distract him by offering him some of the snacks she emptied out of the jar. However, he then spots and eats a very small piece of popcorn she accidentally left out on the surface of the desk, despite her warning that it has been on the floor.

She then tries to argue that it wasn't even popcorn, but a piece of Nutri-Grain. However, Tom is satisfied with his tiny popcorn snack, and simply thanks her.

In the studio, it is quickly pointed out that she broke the rules of the task by moving the popcorn.

Tom Cashman reveals that it only took him 14 seconds to eat some popcorn.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

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