
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Nina guesses some passwords

Nina quickly advances along the path by making random guesses, including 'password', 'Nina is a cool dude', and 'roses in my pocket'.

Her first declined passwords shown are 'existential crisis' and 'echo'.

Her password 'bouquet' is then accepted. At this point, she wonders whether there are rules determining what passwords are accepted, before suggesting 'are there rules?' as a password (which is declined).

While standing by the 22nd rose, she realises that the fact that there are 26 roses might mean that the letters of the alphabet are involved somehow.

She decides that the passwords must be in alphabetical order (despite the fact that her first guess was 'password') and, since she is standing by the 22nd rose, the next password must start with a 'V'. Her guess of 'vegan' is quickly declined, destroying her theory instantly, and leaving her visibly stunned.

While standing by the 23rd rose, she questions how she even got that far.

Further declined passwords include 'spiky', 'sandy', and 'boom'.

Her guess of 'zoom' is accepted as the 24th password. After a 'lap of honour' she returns with the theory that the passwords are alphabet-related, but notes that she has a problem in that she cannot remember which letters she has used already.

At this point, it is revealed on screen that the only letters she has not yet used are 'Q' and 'X'. She correctly guesses that she has not yet used 'Q', and suggests the password 'question', which is accepted. After another victory lap, she suggests 'XYZ' as her final password, which Tom Cashman accepts.

In the studio, he reveals that Nina made a total of 159 guesses, which secures her first place in the task.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

Attempt Scores