
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Leo's failed ship launch

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

Leo says his idea is inspired by Trude Drevland, a former Mayor of Bergen, whom he had presumably seen launch a ship by breaking a bottle of champagne against its hull. He ties a length of rope to the bottle, which he hangs through the hoop of a basketball net attached to the garage. He then runs the rope down the driveway, and attempts to drop the bottle to the ground by releasing a lot of slack into the line. However, the plan fails because the bottle gets stuck in the net. He frees it up, and attempts the method again, but this time the bottle is just gently lowered by a metre or two, towards the ground, without making any impact. Trying another approach, he places the bottle on a workbench in front of the garage, and tugs on the rope (which passes through the basketball hoop) from the driveway. Its unclear what his intention was, with this method, but it succeeds only in dropping the bottle on the gravel driveway, still sealed and fully intact. He then switches tack again, placing the bottle in the guttering of the garage, and pulling it out from a distance with his rope. However, this method also fails, as the bottle hits the ground and again remains sealed and intact. With just 80 seconds left on the clock, he switches technique again, and pulls the bottle off of the balcony of the house from the driveway, smashing the bottle open on the stone steps below. In the studio, Olli reveals that Leo managed to open the bottle from 33.8 metres away, which earns hims second place.

(Written by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores