
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Danielle misinterprets the task

Due to the drop-cloth over the balcony railing, and her misinterpretation of the task brief, Danielle is completely unaware of the location of the actual canvas she is meant to be painting on, and decides instead to paint her map of Australia on the canvas drop-cloth beneath her feet.

As she paints on the balcony, Tom Cashman looks down at the blank canvas below and tells her that he doesn't think her painting looks much like Australia, and is a "bit minimalist". She fails to take the hint, and remains focused on her painting, insisting that there is something wrong with Tom's judgment.

Tom insists that she should add more detail, and she apparently adds both a shark and a crocodile to her very colourful drop-cloth painting.

In the studio, the painting she completes on the drop-cloth is never shown in full, and her attempt is judged only on a photo of the blank canvas that she never saw.

After she and Nina both try to defend their interpretation of the task, simultaneously responding to Tom Cashman's re-reading of the rules stated in the task brief with the same answers, Tom Gleeson argues that "Saying it together doesn't make you sound smarter... It just makes you sound dumb in unison" (thus coining the episode title).

He awards them joint last place, with one point each.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

Attempt Scores