
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Ivo spins around

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

Ivo and Alex's first dance is to the song Dizzy by The Wonder Stuff and Vic Reeves (apparently one of Greg's favourite songs). The performance begins with Ivo climbing over Linda the cow, whom he and Alex had previously been seen moving onto the decking. Alex then joins him on the decking, and the pair link arms and spin around several times. Ivo then stands on a circular balance board, and Alex holds his hands while skipping around him, rotating him in the process. Both men then grab and place rotating stools, which they take turns sitting upon while the other dances around them, rotating them once again. The dance is supposed to end with them both sitting on their stools and holding hands, but Ivo manages to lose his balance and ends up on the decking. In the studio, Ivo points out that The Wonder Stuff's other songs include Size of a Cow, hence his inclusion of Linda in the performance. Greg states that the dance was "rubbish", but admits that Ivo's strategy of trying to ingratiate himself with Greg is working, since he's considering giving him more points. However, he ultimately awards Ivo fourth place, stating that all he'd done was "jump over a cow and spin round in circles".

(Written by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores