
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Jimmy vents his parental frustration

Jimmy's tantrum takes place in the kitchen, where he is knelt down at the counter (pretending to be a child) and holding a fork.

Tom Cashman brings him a bowl of (uncooked) fusilli and macaroni pasta, but Jimmy takes just one look at it and asks him where the penne is, stating that he did not want "spirally pasta".

He throws the pasta across the kitchen worktop and starts throwing a tantrum over not getting his preferred pasta shape.

He ends up lying across the work surface, screaming and flailing his arms and legs, and is then seen lying face down on the surface, mumbling about penne.

Tom then brings him a bowl of (uncooked) penne, and Jimmy instantly calms down, biting into the pasta before beginning a new tantrum about how the pasta is not cooked.

In the studio, Jimmy confirms Tom Gleeson's suspicion that he was drawing upon his own experience as a father. Tom awards him second place for his "very focused tantrum".

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

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