
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Julia improvises a song about gender equality

Julia returns to the study wearing a long blonde wig and a golden belt apparently made from a party hat.

She then launches into a completely improvised song and dance about the gender pay gap, which ends with her standing on the table.

The lyrics to her song are as follows:

I think it's despicable the way women get paid
30% less than their male counterparts
When they're working.
Doesn't matter which workplace you're in,
Women are put right down.
They're not allowed to really shine.
There's even a little glass ceiling
Where you can't get higher.
What makes women less than men?
I don't know, Tom. What makes women less?
It's hard to say, but I can tell you this:
That's gonna change if I have my way.
I would just kill all the men,
And have women with the top wage.
You want to know why we deserve the money?
That 30% can help with all the maintenance
Waxing. Waxing costs.
Tanning. That costs money too.
We get the hair dye.
We get the facials.
You have your teeth done.
You lift your tits up.
It costs money, and it's simply not fair!
Anyone who pays us less can get fucked!

In the studio, Tom Gleeson asks whether a song can be a tantrum, and Julia admits that she was focused on the 'sensational' aspect of the task.

Tom ends up awarding her first place for her statement on gender equality.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

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