
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Luke's digital loophole

After reading the task brief, Luke declares that he has "found a loophole in this challenge". His loophole turns out to be using an iPad to take a photo of himself, and then (with Tom Cashman's assistance) shrinking that down on the screen while taking a screengrab, to make a much smaller version.

After Tom asks him whether he is happy with it, Luke - forgetting that the challenge is to create the best miniature, not the smallest - fears that maybe it is not small enough, so repeats the shrinking process again on the already tiny photo. He then draws a blue circle around where the tiny photo is, within the screengrab.

After Tom asks Luke whether its possible anyone else would go smaller than that, Luke repeats the process a third time, and then a fourth. However, upon reviewing the most recent iteration of his miniature, he realises that he might have gone too small, since the original photo is undetectable within the small group of pixels into which it has been compressed. He therefore reverts back to his third iteration as his chosen miniature.

In the studio, Tom Gleeson congratulates Luke on his lateral thinking, but then asks Tom Cashman to re-read the objective of the task brief, reminding Luke that he should have been aiming for best, rather than smallest.

He awards Luke last place in the task.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

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