Nina's tasty snack
Upon picking up the magnifying glass, Nina asks Tom Cashman if he knows "how to use one of these", to which he responds that "I wouldn't have thought it was that complicated".
Having read the task brief, she heads to the kitchen, where she explains to Tom Cashman her theory that you can "mush jelly things together" and "they will turn into playdough".
She uses a variety of jelly sweets to create a miniature of herself in colours matching her actual task outfit.
When Tom compliments the construction technique she has developed, she says it is called 'The Oyama Technique' because "it's full of holes, and it doesn't work". She instantly regrets this description, since it can easily be misinterpreted, and clarifies that she meant "flaws" and not "physical holes".
While finishing up her miniature, she notes that it looks like if Piglet (the Winnie the Pooh character) was in the sci-fi movie Blade Runner.
In the studio, Tom Gleeson notes that Nina's miniature looks like a "tasty snack", and awards her second place.
(Written by Karl Craven)
(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)