
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Mae is humliated

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

Mae starts looking around inside the caravan, and quickly discovers the mirror with an extendible handle, which leads them to immediately discovering the clock on top of the caravan. Climbing up through the sunroof to look at the clock, they are able to note the current time, and estimate what time they need to leave the caravan. To help come up with their list of words, Mae finds a book in the caravan. Their list begins with the word 'licentiousness', and they decide that they are going to enumerate word length by the number of syllables in each word, rather than the number of letters. After some time spent working on the list, Mae decides to check the time on the clock, but discovers that it is not actually moving (Alex clarifies later, in the studio, that it had stopped working after some rain fell during Mae's attempt). Mae then panics, convinced that they have already used their time, and so sets about quickly finishing off their list of words, which includes 'misanthropic', 'painfully', 'schoolmaster', 'principal', 'confessions', 'disturbing', 'outrageous' (which is the first word added after the discovery of the broken clock), 'humiliate', 'canonise', 'wealthy', and 'vile'.  In the studio, Alex reveals that Mae left the caravan after 19 minutes and 48 seconds. However, he also reveals that they had written the word 'humiliate' (which has four syllables) after the word 'outrageous' (with three syllables), and so had failed the task. Mae attempts to argue that 'humiliate' is pronounced 'humliate' in Canada, but is ultimately disqualified from the task.

(Written by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores