
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Hadi proposes with kebabs

Hadi sets up a romantic dinner for himself and Mark on the balcony of the Stormester house, complete with candles and drinks (in this case, ayran – a savoury, yoghurt-based drink).

After seating Mark at the table, Hadi presents Mark with their entree: a durum kebab.

Hadi calmly points out that there are some things of opposite colours that just belong together, such as ayran and durum kebabs.

He then gestures suggestively between himself and Mark, before they share the kebab and enjoy their drinks.

At the bottom of Mark’s drink is a ring, which Hadi slides on Mark’s finger, asking if he will marry him.

After Mark promises to think about it, Hadi awkwardly asks if Mark will be keeping the ring while he does so.

Lasse awards Hadi third place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

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