
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Vegard borrows a scooter

Vegard carries the playhouse halfway down the block, before returning to the garage and finding a walking chair with wheels.

He props one side of the house up on the wheels, and tapes it to the chair. This makes it easier to move, as he now only has to lift the front side.

He stands inside the playhouse, with his head stuck out of the front, and carries it on his shoulders.

Heading down the street, he eventually comes across someone riding an electric scooter, and asks if he can borrow it for a minute. He then gleefully scoots down the street within the playhouse, for the remainder of his time.

Vegard manages to move the playhouse 1,010 metres, as the crow flies, and earns second place.

Note: Olli carries the playhouse's window box of fake plants for most of his attempt. It is last seen when Olli waves it in the air, as Vegard zips away on the electric scooter.

(Written by Nic Greyson and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Nic Greyson and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores