
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Bård loses his temper at a triangle

Bård begins by trying to smash the triangular block with a sledgehammer, but it comedically slides across the ground, as the hammer glances off of its point.

He moves on to hitting the triangular block with an axe though, at this point, a discarded angle-grinder can also be seen on the ground.

He manages to get the axe stuck in the triangular block, failing to split it like a regular piece of wood.

Eventually, he manages to break the block it into smaller pieces, but they are all still too large to fit through the hole.

Bård tries to snap a piece of the broken-up triangular block across his knee, noting that he is now "incapable of delivering any cheerful comments", as the task is really annoying him.

He returns to using the angle grinder at one point, before snapping and going back to smashing the pieces up with the axe, while shouting about Atle being a jerk.

As he jams shards of the triangular block through the hole, he states that if Maria completes the task faster than him, he'll have to move to another country.

Having now gotten hot enough to have to remove his two jackets, he pulls a snow shovel out of the garage, throwing other tools aside with anger, in the process.

He uses the shovel to scrape up all the bits of splintered wood and sawdust he has created, and get them into the hole, before resentfully shoving the box towards the camera, flipping everybody the bird, and stomping away.

In the studio, Bård still appears irritated by the task, and it doesn't help when he finds out he took 28 minutes and has earned last place.

He gets teased about how, despite his fury, he has still taken the time to sweep up all of debris, rather than risking disqualification.

(Written by Nic Greyson and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Nic Greyson and adjusted by David Fuller)

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