
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Maria throws her food

Maria skips into the garden, and is incredibly excited to see all of the food set up on the tables.

She starts off by surreptitiously tasting the jelly, before heaving it at the other table, and missing.

She then decides to throw the chocolate cake, taking a sly couple of bites of it before miraculously landing it perfectly on the other table.

She then starts choking on her mouthful of cake, and tries to take a sip out of the nearby pitcher to help, before realising that it's actually full of custard, rather than water.

Nevertheless, she continues to drink from the pitcher while thinking.

Maria takes a bite from a soft white layer cake, before trying to throw it, but only one tier remains in place on the table.

She finishes by taking swigs of juice, and then trying to spray it into the glasses on the table from her mouth, before running out of time, and wildly throwing the last drips of juice.

In the studio, Atle points out that it seems like Maria was more interested in devouring the food than completing the task, but he still awards her second place because of how much joy her first perfect cake throw brought him.

(Written by Nic Greyson and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Nic Greyson and adjusted by David Fuller)

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