
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Bård serenades the mayor

In the studio, Bård prefaces his attempt by saying that this was a "cruel" task.

He begins by asking the mayor about what she likes and, after responding poorly to the idea of politics, asks about her favourite song. She shares that she likes the song Wild Child by Savage Rose, so Bård asks for her to leave for a few minutes, to give him some rehearsal time.

He then sits at the piano with his phone, working out piano parts, and crooning along in a seemingly off-key way.

When he’s ready to perform, he makes a ‘proper’ entrance, and gives the mayor a small speech before sitting down at the piano.

As the first chord plays, you can already hear Vegard cackling in the studio and, once Bård starts to sing, everybody but Calle is laughing hysterically.

Bård sings the first part of the sentimental ballad with ostensible sincerity (at odds with his public/performing persona), offering up a lovely acoustic version.

The mayor stares at him, genuinely enthralled, and wipes a tear away from her eye during the chorus.

He finishes his performance, bows, and wishes her a good day.

Atle acknowledges that it was a fantastic effort, and that Bård must be "a sociopath" to be able to read somebody well enough to make them shed a tear.

It is revealed that the mayor had judged that it was the most impressive display, and so Bård earns the full five points.

(Written by Nic Greyson and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Nic Greyson and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores