
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Vegard's daughter’s dollhouse

Vegard brings in something that he says annoys him every day, which turns out to be a relatively large doll’s house.

He says that he and his family had moved into a new house, the previous year, and had brought along this doll's house that both his daughter and his wife feel strongly attached to, even though they no longer use it.

He explains how it turned out that the dollhouse is actually too large to fit through the doors of the new house, so it can’t go in his daughter’s room, or into the loft for storage. As a result, it drives Vegard crazy as it’s always in a new random place, getting in the way of things like the washing machine.

He says he hopes to lose the episode, so that he doesn’t have to bring it back home.

Atle commends Vegard for publicly betraying his daughter, and awards him second place.

(Written by Nic Greyson and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Nic Greyson and adjusted by David Fuller)

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