
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Bård sets a fire

Bård starts off, once again, by correctly predicting what his brother will get up to in the task, before beginning his own attempt.

He says "flames are always fun" before placing a dropcloth and a chocolate cake onto a table in front of the garage [Note: The chocolate cake appears to be one of the cakes from the 'Move the party food to a different table' task, earlier in the season].

His home movie begins with him looking straight at the video camera, selfie-style, before saying in American English, "Hey, Olli. Sorry I couldn't be at your 53rd birthday. Uh, I’m going to celebrate here in Norway and, you know, gonna light you a candle, like we always do. So, here goes. Happy birthday!"

He ignites a lighter off-camera, and starts singing Happy Birthday before ‘realising’ that the tablecloth is somehow on fire.

He starts swearing, puts the camera down, and starts trying to blow the flames out. As the flames grow, he starts screaming for "Mom", before coming back with a fire extinguisher, with which he somehow manages to blow the cake off the table.

Atle says that the video is believable, but questions how funny it is. He decides to put in Bård in fourth place, just above his brother.

(Written by Nic Greyson and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Nic Greyson and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores