
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Vegard's film about magical African elephants

Vegard has made an on-location introduction to his film, in which he welcomes Atle to the film, while reading from a book (on an iPad) by a roaring fire.

His stop-motion film is called ‘Elephants,’ and is done with relative technical proficiency (you only see his hands in-frame once). He uses a painting as a backdrop, and several model trees in the foreground.

The plot revolves around a family trying to catch a plane to leave Africa, as they can’t get into the Christmas spirit there.

Unfortunately, an elephant they are passing is stuck, so the family chooses to miss their flight in order to help it out. The freed elephant turns out to be magical, and is able to create a Christmas mood for the family by making it snow in Africa.

In the studio, Atle states that while the introduction gave him a Christmas vibe, the film itself did not. Atle awards Vegard two points for doing good work, but says that it being set in Africa makes it "too far away" for a Christmas film. He says that Vegard is welcome to call him a racist.

[Note: The Ylvisåker brothers spent a decent amount of their childhood living in Africa.]

(Written by Nic Greyson and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Nic Greyson and adjusted by David Fuller)

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